Since 2009 the Department of Computer Science has offered a computer science degree which lays emphasis on possible areas of application for computer science.

The aim of the bachelor course is to teach specific skills for the application of computer science in selected application areas. In addition to basic skills in the design of information processing systems, sound knowledge in one area of application of computer science plays a central role.

The degree "Computer Science in Applications" accentuates the engineering constructive character of computer science which is essential for the creation of software systems. Students are taught specific skills from the area of application which are necessary for the creation and application of software systems from the area. The mathematical and natural scientific foundations are also geared to the area of application.

Essentially the degree differs from the classical "Computer Science" degree in two ways:

  • Students choose an area of application which is the focus of their degree at an early stage. In this area of application (which makes up about 30% of the degree) students are taught further specific computer science skills and above all skills from another engineering subject. The computer science course itself isn't as diverse as in the "Computer Science" degree.
  • The degree "Computer Science in Applications" focuses more on computer science as an engineering discipline. This is reflected in the fact that the constructive elements of the "Computer Science" degree are included in the course and mathematics is replaced by engineering mathematics (called "advanced mathematics" in Kaiserslautern).

In any case "Computer Science in Applications" is also a scientific university degree and shouldn't be equated with the practical oriented degree course "Applied Computer Science" offered at universities of applied science.

In the consecutive master course students are introduced to an area of computer science (called "computer science specialisation") and its implementation in the area of application to research level. Students will qualify to develop computer science systems in this area and will be in a position to follow the level of research and to help develop it further to a certain extent. The requirement for this master course is a B.A. which corresponds to our bachelor degree by about 80%.

Areas of application

The TU Kaiserslautern currently offers the following computer science degree courses in various areas of application:

Organisation of exams

The above course offers are combined in one title "Applied Computer Science". This keeps administrative costs down and allows flexibility to introduce new areas of application in reaction to the growing demands in industry for computer scientists in new applications. This means all courses have the same exam regulations and rules and regulations. The only difference is the course content, although the core computer science part of the course is the same for all subjects.

The study plan "Applied Computer Science" contains a description of the common parts of all courses and a list of all application-specific course offers. This is the legally binding document. The relevant extract from the study plan for each course can be found on the corresponding course website.

The bachelor degree "Applied Computer Science" includes the applications

  • Information Management
  • Information Technology
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Production Engineering and Vehicle Technology
These can be continued in one or more master courses as shown in the below table.
Applications in bachelor degree Continuation possibilities in master degree
Information Management Information Management
Information Technology Ambient systems
Embedded systems
Communication systems
Mathematical Modelling Computer Science in Life Sciences
Mathematical Modelling / Numerical Modelling
Mathematical Modelling / Optimisation
Production Engineering and Vehicle Technology Production and Construction
Vehicle Technology

The most important applications are listed on our websites as independent degree courses (see above). It's possible to change to a different application after the bachelor degree as long as it complies with the allocation described in the above table.

Due to the international orientation of the subject computer science some courses towards the end of the bachelor are offered in English.

If you have any further questions regarding the bachelor or master degree courses please write to or contact the head of department Dr. habil. Bernd Schürmann (Tel. 0631/205-2507).